Having a personal martial arts trainer can be beneficial as an addition to normal classes, or if you can’t attend evening classes. Visit the main website for details of classes in Leeds and Bradford here.
Private 1 to 1 self defence sessions can be organised through the contact page. Fill out the form with any questions for more details.
Tim Halloran is a personal Martial Arts trainer offering 1 to 1 Martial Arts training in Leeds. His experience includes 30 years of Wing Chun Kung Fu in addition to various other Martial Arts styles. Tim is also a qualified stuntman who has worked on films such as Red 2, Wrath Of The Titans and X-Men (First Class). See his IMDB page here.

Personal Martial Arts Trainer – What You’ll Learn
Personal Martial Arts sessions will focus on learning Chi Sau. Chu sau is a “sticky” hands drill which allows you to learn close quarters self defence in a safe way. It can be likened to putting a fight into a game format. In chi sau you learn basic defensive positions which are then pressure tested with your opponent. You learn to simultaneously attack while defending.
One of the most useful parts of chi sau is that you “stick” to your partners arms. This allows you to learn instinctive reactions from hand contact. Chi sau is one of the most effective and fastest ways to understand combat in a safe way. Bruce Lee took chi sau for his own style (Jeet Kune Do) from the Wing Chun system, as he believed it to be so effective.

Wing Chun
Wing Chun is a style of Kung Fu which can be learned very quickly and it focuses on close quarter striking and straight line attacks. It is a system designed for dangerous situations and self defence and is not a sport. It uses low kicks to the knee, eye strikes and elbow strikes.
Based on economy of motion and minimum movement Wing Chun is a “concept” based Martial Art based around these principles.
In training however you can’t obviously employ these techniques without injury, so care is taken to look after your training partners. Chi sau, for example, should be “played” rather than fought. By playing chi sau in a relaxed state of mind your body can more easily adapt and improve. You can more easily “listen” to the movements of your partner without internal interference which you would have in a more agitated state.

The hand patterns also, (called forms in Chinese Martial Arts) help you with this mindset through daily repetition and practice. In Siu Lim Tao, for example, (the first hand pattern of the Wing Chun system), you maintain a calm, relaxed state throughout. Once you are able to remain calm in chi sau, it can give you a huge advantage in a potentially dangerous situation. Not only because you understand how to control someone, but you can control your own state. Maintaining a calm mental state and demeanour under duress is helpful in many situations, not just for self defence.